Blog Entries - 2011
Health Care Credit Available for Churches and Not-For-Profit Organizations
The IRS sent millions of postcards to small businesses and tax-exempt organizations making them aware of the benefits of the small business health care tax credit. This credit, included in the Patient Protection and
Accepting Credit Cards Will Pose Reporting Issues for Businesses
In 2008 President Bush signed into law a bill known as The Housing Assistance Tax Act of 2008. This bill put into place billions in tax incentives, including the more highly published first-time homebuyer credit.
Big Depreciation Deductions-Take Them While You Can!
Businesses in the know are enjoying unprecedented depreciation deductions for qualifying asset purchases. Unfortunately, these historic deductions are currently set to expire at the end of the 2011. We will
Contractor or Employee - which do you have?
Do you owe Use tax to the State of Ohio? Are you sure whether or not you owe the tax? We would like to provide you with the information to make these determinations, or at least start a